The JBS Affiliate Program consists of an intensive nine-month business curriculum targeted at building the business acumen and skills of entrepreneurs covering over thirty subject areas for all facets of business management and entrepreneurship, using both biblical and practical principles.

  • • The faculty is comprised of Spirit-filled believers who are entrepreneurs, business executives, and professionals who have attended some of the finest universities in the world and are business leaders of some of America’s Fortune 500 companies.
  • • Students that have been interviewed and selected share key characteristics and capabilities; a strong belief in the power of God; a belief that the Lord has called them to be an entrepreneur; drive and commitment to succeed; integrity and respect for themselves and other distinctive characteristics.
  • • In addition to lectures, students are taken on field trips to various businesses so they can observe first-hand what entrepreneurship is all about.
  • • Requirements for graduation are the successful completion of all course work, including oral presentations of marketing and financial plans, and a written business plan.

We strongly believe that entrepreneurship and business development are critical to rebuild communities around the world because the free enterprise system creates jobs, generates income opportunities, and helps people become self-sufficient.

© 2018   •   Joseph Business School   •   All Rights Reserved.

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Check out our classroom demo video to see an overview of how the tool works for online students.
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