*Church Name:

*Senior Pastor Name:

*Church Address:



*Zip Code:



*Church Website Address:

*Contact Person Name:

*Contact Person Email Address:

*How many members currently attend your church?:

*What percentage of your congregation are business people?:

*What percentage of your congregation are entrepreneurs?:

*What percentage of your congregation holds higher learning degrees?:

*Does your church conduct a business program?:

*Please state the address where you plan to hold classes:

*Please state the dimensions of the classroom(s):

*How many students will the classroom(s) accommodate?:

*How did you hear about the JBS Partnership Program?:

*Are you a partner with Bill Winston Ministries (BWM)?:

If yes, how and where did you become familiar with Dr. Winston’s teachings?:

*Are you a member of Faith Ministries Alliance (FMA)?:

*Are you a member of any group or ministry that is associated with BWM and/or FMA?:

If yes, please state the name and address of the organization:

*What does your pastor/church hope to achieve/accomplish by becoming an JBS partner?:

*List two things that are evidence of God’s direction in your inquiry to become a JBS partnership location:

Is there any additional information that you believe would be helpful to the JBS Partnership Program in considering your ministry as a location: